Hi All,
It has been a while since I have blogged. I have been incredibly busy with my degree! Doing all the essays. I can officially say it is all over. I am no longer an undergrad. These past three years have just absolutely flown by. I have cried so many tears in the past three years.Cried so many tears for all the essays, but now I am done. Fin. It feels so weird to be free. Now all I wait for is my dreaded results, I honestly don't want to know, because I know I won't be graduating with a first, and I think a 2:1 would be very unlikely too. Yes I know and you probably all know by now, that I am the biggest pessimist ever. I have very little faith in my own ability, the glass is always half empty than half full.
I am going to enjoy my freedom until I start my PGCE in September.
I thought I would be more free but I am actually very busy! I have work experience starting very soon. I am excited, but also pretty scared.
ALSO I will be completing one of my New Year's Resolutions! I will be going on holiday! WHOOOP! Ok so it isn't New York...(SIGH, when will I ever visit the city of my dreams?) But I will be travelling to another city that I have longed to visit...that being ROME! I am so excited, after all, "All Roads Lead To Rome".
And I will definitely blog about my time in Italy! I cannot wait, I will be spending five days in Rome and I will be there on my birthday. I am not a real big birthday person, so I really hope I don't have some Italian guy singing to me lol.
I am not sure what to blog about here, I haven't got much to say really. Maybe I can reminisce about my time at the University of Greenwich. Well what can I say? Greenwich was definitely not my first choice, and I have always said (even before I started my degree) I would not be staying there for my PGCE. Here I am three years later and I stuck by my word. I am leaving, finally leaving. I have hated every single moment of the third year. The work load was insane, I just didn't feel like I learnt anything this year, nothing at all. I also felt like I lost all form of motivation this year. Last year, I had so much motivation, I had a goal...I thought I would be in America, but of course that never happened. As for this year, I should be looking forward to graduation, which I am....that wasn't enough to motivate me to do work. I wouldn't say I left my essays to the very last minute, though I know I definitely could have started the essay writing a lot earlier than I did.
I have heard a lot of people saying that your uni friends are your friends for life. I didn't really believe in that phrase but three years later I know that I have definitely made friends for life. I don't know where I would be without my girls. They are so important to me, they have helped me through so much, giving me so many memories, best friends for life. It is definitely true, your uni friends are definitely your friends for life.
I am sad that I am leaving Greenwich, all my friends have places at Greenwich for their PGCE and I have decided to leave and won't be spending my PGCE year with my best friends. However, things happen for a reason. I made this decision, it was my decision at the end of the day, and I chose to leave, I love my friends but I knew in my heart that I didn't want to stay at Greenwich, just now that I have left...I am not quite ready to let go of my memories with my friends. I know we will always stay in touch, and I will visit them...just I can't believe how fast these past three years have gone. I am one step closer to being a teacher. I am ready to move to a new uni, to make new friends...just I will miss my friends so much...but I had to leave, I had to do it for me and I have. I have spent the past year making big decisions, this was one of them...I am so scared, yet I know this will be good for me. I need to break out of my shell and make new friends and be in a new environment.
Things happen for a reason, I truly believe in that. Perhaps it is time everyone else believe in that too :)
To end, let's all raise a glass to, new beginnings.
Sam x
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