Tuesday, 22 December 2015

My Post Milano Blues

Hey Y'all, 

     Sorry that I have been a terrible blogger. I haven't blogged since Milano! That was wayyyy back in March! Oops. I have been busy ish haha. Since coming back from Milan, I have been working hard looking for a job, as well as turning 24. It was a busy summer season for weddings. I will blog about that in another post as I got to travel too two different countries for two beautiful weddings! (Watch this space). 

A gift from some of the teachers I worked with in Italy.

On my last day I got the biggest tub of ice cream possible. I have no regrets.

After spending a couple of months in Milan, I couldn't wait to come home to see my beanies.

When I came back and recovered from my three week cold, I started to train for the Race For Life. At first I intended to just walk it, but on the day I actually ran it and finished in 38 minutes. surprising myself at my speed!

Firstly, I want to let you all know that I am still determined to make my dreams come true. Working in Italy for two months really made me realise my goals, as you've read in my last post. In July I managed to get myself a job! Woohoo! (It only took three months after coming back from Italy for that too happen.) To be fair I was ill for practically the whole of April. (Literally got off the plane from Milan and was taken down by a horrid three week cold). It was like 20 degrees when I left Milan and when I landed in London it was like 10 degree less. That took a toll on my body. 

Anyway! It was fun dragging all my things across two metro lines and up and down a billion stairs until I got to Central Station, so I could catch the coach to the airport. (I was carrying a backpack, one big suitcase and one small carry on suitcase.) It was such fun, getting from A to B. No one asked to help, in fact they just made it worse and insisted in getting in my way. They clearly could see I was carrying an awful lot and thought 'Hey, let's just get in this ladies way, that will really make her day.' 

After safely making my way to the airport, I had time to kill and eventually made my way home. Where I spent three months searching for teaching assistant jobs, just so I can gain more experience in a school before I set myself on the task of doing the teacher training again. And yes I finally got one! 
I can't believe I've been in this job for almost 4 months! I feel like I've been here for ages. It's crazy how it's the end of term and Christmas day is in a few days! 

I am working in a lovely little two form entry infant school, where staff are lovely and so are the children. My little 4 to 5 years old are adorable and some are quite tall! One day they'll be tall than me. Anyway, this has definitely helped with my confidence, and development of teaching knowledge. I just need to finish my application, well I've finished writing my personal statement...which I was dragging my feet a little. This will be the fourth time that I will have written a personal statement...guess it will be 4th time lucky. (I hope.) I am now just waiting on my references! Ah it is out of my control which is scary.

So I guess, I want to leave this post by hopefully inspiring others to persevere, to keep trying to reach your goals, if you truly believe in it, you'll get there eventually. It may take longer than you first anticipated but with enough resilience, in time your dreams will come true.  

I will hopefully write another post before the new year. I will go on about my summer of weddings! Watch this space. :)

Merry Christmas.

Sam x

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